AIG: All Day, Every Day!
It is the vision of Perquimans County Schools that advanced academic, creative, and leadership potential can be found in all ethnic, geographic, and socio-economic groups. Students that have exceptional academic or intellectual potential must be recognized, challenged, and nurtured through differentiated services beyond those which are ordinarily provided by the regular education program.
Services for the Academically or Intellectually Gifted (AIG) must be part of the overall educational program that supports excellence for all students. This can best be accomplished through the provision of differentiated services that match each student’s gifted characteristics.
The Perquimans County revised AIG Program has been developed with input from staff, parents, and the community to provide appropriate services for gifted students. The North Carolina AIG Program Standards will play a critical role in the development of our local AIG Program and Plan. The NC AIG Program Standards can be found at:
The Perquimans County AIG Program strives for collaboration and communication among schools, parents, and the community, to ensure that each child has equal opportunity to receive a challenging program of educational experiences.
Contact Trisha Brickhouse, Chief Academic Officer of Curriculum & Instruction at 252-426-5741 ext.238